mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #23

When making sandwiches try to use

m mcochran
Tip #23
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #22

Just one cup of processed or restaurant soup can have up to 940mg of sodium. That's only 1 cup and it doesn't even count the crackers.

m mcochran
Tip #22
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #21

m mcochran
Tip #21
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #20

Watch out for the salty six

m mcochran
Tip #20
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #19

Lowering sodium intake can reduce your risk of heart attack, heart failure, stroke, kidney disease, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, and even headaches.

m mcochran
Tip #19
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #18

When blood pressure is high for a sustained period it may overstretch and injure the blood vessel walls and speed the building up of plaque in your heart and blood vessels.

m mcochran
Tip #18
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #17

Consuming lower amounts of sodium can lower blood pressure and/or prevent high blood pressure from developing.

m mcochran
Tip #17
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #16

Most of the sodium in the average person's diet comes from packaged processed foods.

m mcochran
Tip #16
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #15

The American Heart Association recommends limiting the amount of added sugars you consume in a day to no more than 9 teaspoons for men, and 6 teaspoons for women and children.

m mcochran
Tip #15
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #14

Good oil choices for heart health are avocado, olive, peanut, safflower, sesame, soybean, and sunflower.

m mcochran
Tip #14
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #13

Using avocados for snacking, cooking, and baking is an easy way to add healthy fats, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals to your diet.

m mcochran
Tip #13
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #12

Unsalted nuts and seeds are a great source of good fats, energy, protein, and fiber.

m mcochran
Tip #12
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #11

Try to eat fish 2 times a week. Choose oily or fatty fish like tuna, herring, lake trout, sardines, or salmon to get omega-3 fatty acids.

m mcochran
Tip #11
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #10

Unsaturated fats can lower bad cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, and provide essential nutrients.

m mcochran
Tip #10
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #9

When shopping compare food labels and choose products with the lowest sodium, added sugars, and saturated fats.

m mcochran
Tip #9
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #8

To lower added sodium, try keeping your salt and pepper shakers off of your table during mealtime.

m mcochran
Tip #8
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #7

Frozen canned, and dried fruits and vegetables can be a healthy choice. Just be sure to read your labels.

m mcochran
Tip #7
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #6

Freeze fresh fruits and vegetables so that you can add them to smoothies, soups, and casseroles throughout the year.

m mcochran
Tip #6
mcochran on 03/23/2023

Tip #5

Shop at local farmer's markets for lower prices and ask for ideas on how to prepare purchased items.

m mcochran
Tip #5
mcochran on 03/17/2023

Tip #4

You can save on fresh vegetables and fruits most of the time by buying in bulk and in season.

m mcochran
Tip #4
mcochran on 11/26/2022

Tip #3

"People who eat plant-based dinners with whole carbs and unsaturated fats reduce their risk of heart disease by 10%"

m mcochran
Tip #3
mcochran on 11/26/2022

Tip #2

Fresh foods are often less expensive during their harvest season.

m mcochran
Tip #2
mcochran on 11/26/2022

Tip #1

The best way to get all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you need is to eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.

m mcochran
Tip #1